Our Collective Blog
Spiritual Bypassing
Coleen shares her research and resources about spiritual bypassing + encouragement to proceed with self-love.
Becoming a Better Ally
Allyson shares our conversation and resources about how to be an ally to marginalized people beyond re-posting and hashtagg-ing.
Tough Talks from the Heart
Allyson Whipple, shares her insight on practicing loving kindness (“metta”) meditation and a recording of a meditation you can try.
Rest as Resistance
What does REST have to do with social justice? A lot, as it turns out. Rest is key in avoiding burnout, maintaining sanity, and moving from a place of compassion in social justice work and in life.
The Gathering: Living in Agreement
What is THE GATHERING? It’s a 75-minute zoom meeting for our community to engage in reflection, discussion, and action for social change.