If you are seeking more balance, ease, and resilience in your life, a mindfulness practice can help.
Join Lisa Feder, Certified iRest Teacher, for a deeply informative and supportive weekend workshop. Yoga Nidra means “yogic” or “conscious” sleep. This is a deeply contemplative approach to mediation, based on ancient roots, yet accessible to everyone.
Each 2.5 hour session includes:
tools for developing your meditation practice
discussion with other curious students
a guided meditation which will be recorded for you to keep and use at home
What is Yoga Nidra?:
Yoga Nidra means “yogic” or “conscious” sleep. It is a deeply contemplative approach to meditation that is accessible to everyone.
It can be practiced for a few minutes to support balance, perspective and resilience. It can be practiced for longer durations to help with anxiety, trauma and all manner of stress. It draws on ancient Yogic philosophy, yet the offering is relevant and accessible to new and experienced practitioners. In this weekend immersion, students and teachers alike will learn the basics of the practice, with a focus on the iRest protocol. Students will leave with an understanding of the power of meditation, and useful tools for practicing and teaching
More from Lisa:
I am a certified iRest teacher and an experienced Yoga and meditation teacher. I have over 1000 hours of teaching and training. The practice of Yoga Nidra has been powerful for me in all aspects of my daily life–bringing a sense of perspective to all situations. As a teacher, I have witnessed this power for others and love sharing it and witnessing the effects of this practice.
Weekend Schedule:
Friday 6-8:30pm
Saturday 1-3:30pm
Sunday 1-3:30pm
SUSTAINER $130 full weekend or $50 per 2.5 hour session
SUPPORTER $200 full weekend or $75 per 2.5 hour session
FINANCIAL ASSIST $75 full weekend or $30 per 2.5 hour session
There is 1 no-cost scholarships available for a person from marginalized communities to join for free.
Click here to apply for a scholarship.
Click here to donate to our MYC Community Fund and support this scholarship program.
Learn more about our MYC School of Yoga here.